Hi there

It seems you’re having difficulty logging in to the member’s area. First, let me reassure you that this can and will be solved easily.

For The Girls has security software looking after the login form. This software prevents password sharing, piracy and other nefarious things. If you input your username or password incorrectly it will give you an error: remember, these are cAsE SeNsitiVe.

If you are using a touch device especially an iPhone, be aware that it may automatically capitalize the first letter of your username and password. This may have happened when you first signed up.

We’ve also noticed that the ‘@’ symbol may cause problems. If you have used your email address as a username this could be the issue.

And if you attempt to login too many times it will lock your IP temporarily. You can wait a few hours or ask for the IP to be unlocked now. That’s what this contact form is for. I need your username to do this.

Your username and password will be listed in the original signup email you received from CCBill. If you can’t remember your details, please look up your original subscription email. Or contact CCBill directly and look up your credentials.

Also, if you’ve made an error on your username, it helps me to have your full name so I can look it up in the CCBill admin.

Be aware, I’m Australian and operate on Australian Eastern Standard Time so if there’s a delay, I may be asleep.

If you don’t receive any reply, check your spam folder.

So… here’s the contact form:

[wpforms id=”570″ title=”false” description=”false”]